Ever since Jessica was a little girl Jessica dreamed of coming to Hollywood and becoming a star! it was a life long dream and finally after all her friends told her she was pretty enough to be a movie actress, she took the plunge and headed west from her small town in Iowa to make it big. She got super lucky right off the bat, a talent scout spotted her while she was walking down Hollywood Blvd checking out the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, he gave her his card and told her he'd set up a interview with no other than Harvey Wentz, the head of Wentz Studios, one of the top grossing...
Trade Bait
Bella has no idea what she is in for, her bf Dan told her to go over to his friend's Keith's house and that's all she knows. You can imagine her SHOCK when she learns she was part of a TRADE in their fantasy football league! Bella is Keith's for the afternoon! Bella doesn't believe! she calls BS, she phones her boyfriend only to find out that there was indeed a trade and their COMMISSIONER approved it! Well Bella is PISSED! and even more so when Keith has her STRIP NAKED right in front of him! she's just fuming but goes along with it, even when Keith has her tied up on his bed! That's...

Education Of Jill
uper pretty Jill grew up with very religious parents who produced a very fine and responsible girl, but left her with no sexual experience whatsoever going into college. She came back home for the holidays and decided to pay Mr Miller who lives down the street, a visit. She used to babysit for his family and heard from other babysitters like Maghen and Danielle that Mr Miller can be very helpful when it comes to understanding sex. So one of the first things Mr Miller asks if she has ever PLEASED HERSELF, and she confesses "no", and doesn't even know HOW TO DO IT, he then asks that she take...

Jill's Lost Bet
It's not surprising that Jill's lost bet and subsequent strip poker game with her sales rival Larry spread around the whole office. It's what gave Seymour, who happens to be the CEO's nephew an idea to get Jill to play a strip poker game with him as well! Jill never in a million years would believe that she could lose a sales goal to Seymour who is the worst salesman in the company, she suspects his uncle might have played a critical role but can't prove it and has to pay the price for her lost bet. This time not only is it a game of strip poker, Seymour has added in a DARE factor. What...

Step Uncle Tom
Uncle Tom arrives at his step-sister's house very late, so he makes himself at home, get's ready for bed but pops down to the kitchen to grab a little snack, that's when his 18 year old niece Adriana comes downstairs and greets him, Adriana is just wearing panties and a short top and as the two embrace, uncle Tom gets a visible erection! it's not lost on Adriana which becomes somewhat of an awkward moment, Uncle Tom then excuses himself and heads up to bed. He falls resting quickly but wakes up shortly afterwards to find Adriana in his bed stroking his dick! what does he do? he knows...

New Model & The Photographer
All her friends told her that she should be a model so Adriana finally got up the courage and answered an ad on Greg's List for a model wanted. It appeared to be the perfect gig for her to get her feet wet in the industry as it for "test modeling" only, meaning that all photos from the shoot would just go to help calibrate the photographer's new lighting gear, simple enough right? Adriana felt very much at ease when she met the photographer but soon the shoot started to get more and more uncomfortable, the photographer kept pushing her boundaries on what she was willing to show, explaining...

Aubrey & The Lease
Aubrey has been looking in for weeks for a reasonable place to live that's either not crazy expensive or in a horrible neighborhood, she happens to stumble upon this one listing that is not only incredibly cheap, it is super nice with high ceilings and all, and in a great location to boot! Aubrey seizes her chance and like many of us doesn't really bother to READ THE LEASE! On her first day she is settling in when her older male roommate suddenly and without WARNING gives her a wedgie! Aubrey is shocked but is handed the lease document as her new roommate tells her to read page 12. So with...

Charity Worker
Blair is new to her job and eager to make a big splash with her non-profit charity raising company, seeing the "big" potential in Blair, her boss sends her over to one of their biggest donors Mr Farnsworth to see what she can "raise" out of him. Being the holiday season and all there is a good chance Blair will succeed, but it may involve some unconventional persuasion on her part which she may not yet be accustomed to and find very unprofessional to say the least, if not thoroughly humiliating. Mr Farnsworth explains that he ONLY wants to see how committed to her cause Blair truly is, and...

Teacher's Xmas Parrty
New teacher Miss Taylor drew the short straw and has to pay a visit to Principal Harris in order to secure funds for the Teacher Staff Christmas Party. She is quite the negotiator and will push her notorious Principal to get catering, open bar, car rides, and even a DJ! The only question is with the budget being so limited and Principal Harris hesitant to allocate funds, what does she have to BARGAIN WITH? She is not your typical teacher so it's anyone's guess as to what will GO DOWN between them. She also has a secret that she may share with her Principal if she gets what she wants.

Riley has the misfortune of having her car breakdown during a winter storm, the weather is too nasty for her to walk so without many other good options she decides to hitch hike down the hill and hopefully deal with her car in the morning. Lucky for her she didn't have to wait too long before a driver stops and gives her a ride. I wouldn't go calling this driver a good samaritan just yet.. he informs Riley that Junction 42 is closed so there is no way of getting down the hill, he also admonishes her for hitch hiking by herself. He then suggests that they go to his place which is nearby and...

Teacher's Black List
Miss Sinclair is super eager to start her first year of teaching but is a bit troubled after meeting some of her fellow teachers at the summer staff meeting. It appears there are some notoriously troublesome that teachers attempt to avoid having them in their class. One way is submitting a BLACKLIST to Principal Harris of who the undesirables are. Well Miss Sinclair is used to GETTING WHAT SHE WANTS, she wants a BLACKLIST of her own and already has polled the other teachers on who all the bad are. She makes an appointment to visit Principal Harris at his home in an effort to persuade him...

Sorority Girl & The Dean
Jill is pledging Omega Pi and is super committed to impressing her sorority sisters, they have given her the task of personally asking Dean Warmer to lift their "Double Secret Probation" status that was placed on their sorority at the end of last year. Jill is a bit intimidated, she's always had this thing with regards to men with power and she has never met anyone as powerful as Dean Warmer. Despite all that, she eloquently makes her case for her sorority but the good Dean is obstinate, he does though appreciate Jill's dedication and suggests she come by his house later that afternoon so...

Making The Team
Aubrey is determined to make the team at her new school, so much so that she contacted the coach and asked for an immediate tryout. Being new to the school she was unaware of Coach Davis's unorthodox HANDS ON approach to evaluating tennis talent. He has her show him a few of her strokes the walks over and physically guides her through the proper technique, all the while GROPING her breasts and butt and ever her CROTCH AREA. Aubrey is taken back but being from a small town she is a little naive in how the world works. Coach Davis explains the merits of his evaluation process and it makes enough...

Temptation Morning
It's been tough for Rick, ever since he saw Jill in a bikini at a barbeque a few weeks back, he had to concentrate REAL HARD not to stare, he would have been so BUSTED if caught, especially since he has been dating Jill's mom for a year! well today Rick will be tested even further, Jill's mom has left for work and as he is just about to help himself to some breakfast, Jill comes waltzing down the stairs in just a tank top and panties! Jill plops down on the sofa to watch some news and invites him to join her. Jill quickly gets bored with the tv and turns all of her attention to him! she...